About Us


META GROUP was founded in 2019. It is led by Dato' Anthony Cheng (DAC), an international Yi-Xue mentor, and combines metaphysical wisdom, technological intelligence, trend prediction, and market strategy; it is the first enterprise in the world to take innovation of the times as its core value.

META GROUP focuses on business education inheritance, product research and development, strategic consulting, intelligent systems and resource integration. It is the fastest growing META GROUP in modern times. In less than three years, the group has penetrated into 112 countries and formed a huge international ecosystem.

META GROUP has 7 independent subsidiaries to expand different businesses, cater to the torrent of major trends, create labels for the new era, and create a perfect ecosystem. The seven subsidiaries are: META INTERNATIONAL, META ACADEMY, META DAC CONSULTANCY, META DESTINY, METASTONES, META TECH, and META DYNASTY.

META GROUP e-commerce official website (META-EMALL) optimizes the quality of your life

META GROUP’s official e-commerce website (META EMALL) is the Group’s first platform that can provide customers with the most comprehensive services and the most complete information.

We are committed to providing you with the best products, consulting services and courses to improve your quality of life through metaphysical wisdom. We believe that every family has unique energy, and we will inspire positive energy in life through our products. To this end, the consulting services we provide can also guide more balance and harmony in your life and stimulate positive energy in your life. Additionally, we believe spiritual balance is essential to happiness in life. By merging the concepts of metaphysical wisdom and spiritual development, our courses not only provide practical skills, but also stimulate the development of one's inner strength. The cosmic energy generated by our products, consulting services and courses can make your home environment and personal life mentality more comfortable, warm, balanced and happy.


Through products, courses, and consulting services designed by META GROUP, we guide the right track direction and convey positive energy, allowing each customer to find the answers they need in their personal or life journey from this platform.


META GROUP products feature unique and exquisite creative styles, guided by the design philosophy of Dato' Anthony Cheng and his team. We are committed to realizing the maximum value and significance of each product. Every product is infused with unique energy and incorporates the concepts of metaphysical wisdom. This allows shoppers to shape a harmonious living environment through the power of META GROUP products.


Every product from META GROUP undergoes meticulous crafting and selection to ensure that their quality reaches the most outstanding performance.


META GROUP products undergo unique energy blessing and incorporate the creative philosophy of metaphysical wisdom, dedicated to improving the quality of your life.


The design philosophy of META GROUP products places simplicity as the top priority, helping you create a warm, peaceful, and comfortable home living environment.


The design philosophy of META GROUP prioritizes simplicity, helping you create a warm, peaceful, and comfortable home living environment. META GROUP services are provided by Dato' Anthony Cheng and his team of senior consultants and mentors. They not only offer one-on-one professional guidance but also provide personalized consultations, expert advice, and comprehensive strategies. We adhere to the philosophy of tailor-made services, offering solutions that are most suitable for you based on your needs and goals, whether it's in career development, interpersonal relationships, health prospects, business strategy, and more.


META GROUP services do not provide one-size-fits-all general advice. Each consultation is tailored to the specific context and expectations of the consultee, offering a unique and customized solution.


META GROUP Consulting integrates professional knowledge with general trends. Through a comprehensive analytical approach, it examines issues from multiple perspectives, aiming to provide profound insights and excellent guidance.


META GROUP Consulting is committed to providing each client with efficient and practical strategies. Each strategy focuses on clarity and effectiveness, aiming to quickly see the effects of change.


META GROUP courses are personally led by the founder of META GROUP, Dato' Anthony Cheng. Dato' Anthony Cheng is not only a renowned leading expert in metaphysics but also an innovative mentor with outstanding contributions in the field of esoteric commerce. His unique approach to esoteric commerce integrates diverse metaphysical wisdom, including feng shui, Chinese astrology (Ba Zi), Qimen Dunjia, destiny analysis, and more. The goal is to provide students with a more comprehensive and unique perspective, allowing them to understand and appreciate the mysteries inherent in the universe.


META GROUP courses cover Chinese astrology (Ba Zi), feng shui, esoteric commerce, Qimen Dunjia, Nine Star Ki, and more. Each course is carefully designed by Dato' Anthony Cheng, aiming to allow students to directly benefit from his years of practical experience and research, gaining profound metaphysical wisdom.


META GROUP courses are led by innovation. Each class gathers the wisdom of metaphysics and the latest thoughts and practices to better enable students to learn the essence of the mentor's innovation. This allows students to flexibly apply what they have learned in real life.


META GROUP courses take a unique approach, not only focusing on knowledge transfer but also providing an experience of dialogue with the universe. Through the integration of metaphysical wisdom and energy, it guides students in discovering their life direction, enabling them to have a more fulfilling and balanced life.